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12 May 2016
- Japanese
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English (UK)
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What is the difference between potential and possibility?
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12 May 2016
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- Dutch
- English (UK)
- FrisianNear fluent
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Answer: 49
Like: 32
Possibility means there is a chance of something happening i.e. "There's a possibility I won't be coming home tonight."
Things or people can have potential; it means there's a chance they'll have succes i.e. "This boy has potential. There's a possibility he'll make it far in this company."
Hope this helped ;)
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12 May 2016
- Dutch
- English (UK)
- FrisianNear fluent
Quality Point(s): 0
Answer: 49
Like: 32
Possibility means there is a chance of something happening i.e. "There's a possibility I won't be coming home tonight."
Things or people can have potential; it means there's a chance they'll have succes i.e. "This boy has potential. There's a possibility he'll make it far in this company."
Hope this helped ;)
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12 May 2016
- English (UK)
Quality Point(s): 7
Answer: 27
Like: 22
Something or someone that has potential its able to do something.
Possibility is a measure of chance or luck.
So it is possible that I will find money in the street today. (This is just chance.)
I have the potential to go shopping today. (I am able to, but I may choose not to. )
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